It’s the month of love and I’m sure you won’t be surprised
when I say, I love LOVE! I love watching people hold hands. I love looking at
engagement photos on wedding announcements. I love cheesy chick flicks with
endings that are predictable. I love over-priced chocolate dipped strawberries,
and I love sending my husband my amazon wish list for Valentine’s Day (I
promise I’m not high maintenance). I love helping my girls make a Valentine’s
Day card for my husband with lipstick kisses, and I love watching my husband
give our girls each a rose. I love everything about the holiday and the month, because
I think you should celebrate all month long.
Valentine’s Day has shifted for me over the last few years.
The first Valentine’s Day my husband and I spent together
when dating 11 years ago was spent going to a fancy dinner, getting ice cream,
and then going to the movies. I remember I bought a cute, pink skirt to wear
just for the occasion, and of course, he showed up with pink roses when he
picked me up. It was a date that I still remember and think back on every year.
Our Valentines Day’s since becoming parents have changed to
typically ordering take-out, watching a movie, drinking a bottle of sparkling
cider, and hanging out with our kids at home.
Here’s the thing – I love both of those versions!
I love both versions because my husband and I are together.
We are with our kids and we are literally just celebrating love as a family. I always
get my girls some fun little trinkets and some valentine pajamas just so they
can feel special, too. This year, I’m planning to take them to a random store
and let them hand out single roses to strangers, because I think they’re going
to love it!
I believe that whatever stage of life you’re in, you can still
enjoy this holiday and month. You can celebrate the holiday by going on a fancy
dinner, taking roses to lonely relatives, leaving valentines notes on random
cars, or just hanging out at home (with a box of chocolates, of course).
Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy it!
Published in the Tremonton Leader in February 2020
Published in the Tremonton Leader in February 2020

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